Floor 9
Room 41
To get around the Alma. you will need to use the loop in the bottom part of the room. Wait at the bottom and when the Alma comes down and begins rolling at you, run up out of the way. Pick up the Heart Framer then run back down to the bottom of the room. When the Alma rolls at you, run up into the loop again then around. With the Alma behind you again, you can reach the chest.
Room 42
Push all of the Emerald Framers with an empty space above them up, push the Emerald Framers with a Heart Framer above them 1 tile to the left then collect the Heart Framers. Push each of the Emerald Framers between the columns up 1 tile then push the Emerald Framers below 1 tile to the left to reach each Heart Framer except the far left and far right Heart Framers. Push the Emerald Framer out of the way to get through the gap between the rocks and collect the last 2 Heart Framers to get 2 Magic Shots. Use your Magic Shots to turn both of the lower Gols into eggs then quickly run up to get the treasure before they break free.
Room 43
Up the first Heart Framer at the bottom of the room to free the Leepers, but don't let any touch you yet!. Run up though the grass then stand by the left stone above the Medusa and let a Leeper touch you to block the top of the Medusa. Then quickly run up to the upper right arrow tile and let a Leeper catch you to block the Gol. Let the last 2 Leepers catch you somewhere out of the way in the bottom of the room. Pick up the Heart Framer by the chest then use 2 Magic Shots to blast the Gol below out of the room. Quickly go up and pick up the final Heart Framer then run around back to the chest before the Gol returns.
Room 44
At the column of 3 Emerald Framers to the upper left, push the top and bottom Emerald Framers in to the left then push the middle Emerald Framer up. Collect the Heart Framers to get a Ladder item then push the Emerald Framer down to block the bottom right Gol. Use the Ladder item to cross the water and push the Emerald Framer out of the way to get through.
Use both of your Magic Shots to blast the Snakey out of the room then wait right next to the Heart Framer for the Snakey to return. When he does, pick up the final Heart Framer to get 2 more Magic Shots then use 1 Magic Shot to turn the Snakey into an egg and push him against the Gol to get out. Use your last Magic Shot to turn the Gol at the top of the room into an egg then run around to the chest before he breaks free.
Room 45
To get through this room you need to keep in mind that a monster's shot is still blocked even if an obstacle is covering half of a tile. Pick up the nearby Heart Framer and push the bottom most Emerald Framer up to the half tile between the Medusa and Gol to the right. Pick up the last 2 Heart Framers then push the bottom most Emerald Framer straight up to the half tile between the Gol and Medusa to the left. Push the Emerald Framer next to it up 1 full tile then push the next Emerald Framer right then up to the half tile between the Medusa and Gol to the right. Push the left free Emerald Framer to the half tile below the upper left Medusa then push the right free Emerald Framer up to the half tile above the top most Medusa to reach the chest.
Floor 9
Room 46
Pick up the Heart Framer in the upper right to get 2 Magic Shots. Use 1 Magic Shot to turn the top Snakey into an egg then push him down to the first row of rocks beneath the lower Skulls. Push the middle Emerald Framer down then push an Emerald Framer around to the bottom of the room next to the lower Snakey. Use your last Magic Shot to turn him into an egg and push him down out of the way. Pin the Don Medusa against the wall with the Emerald Framer. Push 2 more Emerald Framers to the bottom of the room to block the bottom of the Don Medusa and the left side of the Gol. Pick up the 2 Heart Framers above and push the last moveable Emerald Framer down then back up next to the top most Snakey to block the way through. Pick up the final Heart Framer and have an easy walk to the chest.
Room 47
Push the Emerald Framer at the top of the room straight down to block the Gol below and pick up the Heart Framer to get 2 Magic Shots. You then need to use a Magic Shot on a Snakey to turn him into an egg then push him to release the Leeper. Let the Leeper run out and catch you outside so he doesn't block the way in. Once you have all of the Heart Framers, use a Magic Shot on the Gol facing the arrow tile then push him up and over to the other Gol to the right for a clear path to the chest.
Room 48
Pick up the Heart Framer above Lolo's starting spot to get 2 Magic Shots. Use a Magic Shot to turn the right Snakey into an egg then push him into the water. Use him to get across and pick up the Heart Framer then wait above the Emerald Framer. When the Snakey gets there, run across and push the Emerald Framer down You can then push it over next to the Medusa to pick up a Heart Framer. When one of the Snakeys comes back, use the Magic Shot to turn him into an egg to block off the Medusa and pick up the Heart Framer.
Now here's where it gets tricky: with your 3 remaining Magic Shots, you need to turn the last Snakey into an egg and push him to block the Medusa and pick up the final Heart Framer to get the Hammer item. Use your Magic Shot to blast the Snakey out of the room then use the Hammer item to break the rock below the Don Medusa and run for cover on the same side as the cleared Snakey. When the Snakey returns, use your last Magic Shot to turn him into an egg and push him to block the Don Medusa while he is below to safely reach the chest.
Room 49
Push the Emerald Framers down to block the Medusas at the bottom of the room. After you pick up all 3 of the safe Heart Framers you will get 2 Magic Shots. Use a Magic Shot to turn the Snakey into an egg the push him between the Medusa and the Heart Framer on the left side.
You need to pick up the Heart Framer to get the Hammer item then blast the Snakey out of the room while he is still an egg. When the Snakey comes back, use another Magic Shot to turn him into an egg and push him in between the Don Medusa and the Heart Framer. Pick up the Heart Framer and blast the Snakey out of the room with another Magic Shot while he is still an egg then run for cover behind the rock. When the Snakey comes back yet again, use a Magic Shot to turn him into an egg and push him near the rock below the Don Medusa.
Use the Hammer to destroy the rock then run behind the egged Snakey for cover. Push him over to block the top of the Don Medusa before he breaks free. With your final Magic Shot, shoot one of the Skulls and push him over out of the way to reach the chest.
Room 50
Pick up the only Heart Framer to get 2 Magic Shots. Use your first Magic Shot on the top left Gol to turn him into an egg then run above the top right Gol and use your last Magic Shot to turn him into an egg. Push him over and all the way down to block the Medusa. Stand directly in between the bridge segments and run for the chest. Move a bit to the right after you get to the wall and you will reach the chest right before the fireballs get you.
And with that, Lala is finally free from the evil clutches of the Great Devil.
The End!